Sunday, February 19, 2012

Midrange Mobile Phone, Budget ~15k ...

Got 15k in hand and cant decide which phone to choose ?? Lets have a look at our options ...

For that budget following are the worthy contenders in market as of today (Feb,2012)

# Motorola DEFY+

# SonyEricsson Neo V

# Nokia Lumia 710

# Samsung Omnia W

If you want an Android phone in that budget, it boils down to what you want:

SE Neo V scores over Defy+ : Better GPU, Confirmed ICS Update, Better Camera.

Defy+ Scores over Neo V: Ruggedness, Lots of Custom Roms.

So SE Neo V is the best pic of the lot if your primary concern is not the ruggedness of the phone, since its overall a better phone. And its loe internal memory is not a downer since you can move apps to SD card barring few system apps.
Compare their Specs here ...

Between WP7 Phones, its the Omnia W you should choose,

Reasons: AMOLED Screen, Front Cam, Better Battery Performance. 

Also refer to this shootout on Gsmarena

Although UI of WP7 feels smoother than Android, But there are few limitations like no SD card support, no Bluetooth File Transfer, Compulsory use of Zune Software for smaller tasks like drag and drop of file etc.

So If I would want to purchase a phone ~ 15k , my pick would be SE Neo V. 

Few Phones which were not considered here, viz
SE Live With Walkman: Low resolution, smaller screen.
Samsung Galaxy ACE: Low resolution, old gen gfx chip, no ICS Update.

Image Courtesy: Google Images.


  1. your just one of em sony fanboys.. :P

  2. Its best pick for the 15k budget right now ! Its not about SE or Samsung, its about VFM :) ...

  3. nice blog abhishek...
    goodluck with it..
    how about a post about face off between nexus and droid razr?(the best android phone..)

  4. Thanks Prasanna, will try do it asap :) ...
